What does Supportive Challenge sound like?

November 11, 2019

Updated July 20, 2021 While conversations about planning and assessment are common, our partner teachers and leaders consistently report that learning conversations involving questioning a colleague’s idea or tackling a deeper purpose together are rare. In addition, there is often...

Finding “The Why” in Math Word Problems

October 18, 2019 | Eva Beleche

Word problems can be confusing and overwhelming, especially for Newcomers, who eventually have to take the Math component of the state test their first year in school. With this in mind, I decided to focus my inquiry with...

Teacher Leader Network Spotlight

September 26, 2019

On August 29th, teachers and principals from across the Bay Area gathered at Mills College to collaboratively envision goals for the new school year. These leadership teams considered student learning needs alongside district initiatives in order to name...

Learning to Advocate: Supporting Teachers of Newcomers

September 26, 2019 | Emily Rasmussen

When I came to Reach Academy as the Instructional Leader in 2015, I was incredibly concerned by the reclassification rate of English Language Learners to English Proficient students. I spent my first year as instructional leader building capacity, ownership and...

Listen to Teach, Partner to Learn

August 21, 2019

Don Refuses to Read December rolled around and the day of the writing celebration finally came. Parents, grandparents, aunts, and godmothers came to our second-grade classroom to hear their children read their writing. As I walked around the...

Use Data to Make the Learner’s Experience Visible

June 14, 2019

Understanding student progress is more complex than viewing a dashboard or studying bar graphs of test scores. There are subtle but important factors that are foundational to student well-being and to student learning that require a more nuanced...

Creating Tools to Monitor Small Groups in Reading Workshop

June 10, 2019 | Jessie Welcomer

I teach 5th grade literacy at Montalvin Manor in West Contra Costa. My school’s inquiry focus was intervention this year. I chose to think about reading intervention specifically and using different strategies in small groups to support students.