Case Studies

Vallejo City Unified School District: Expanded Learning Site Coordinators

Vallejo City Unified School District's Expanded Learning program serves 17 schools and over 1,600 students yearly. To place students at the center of the Continuous Quality Improvement process, Lead by Learning and Vallejo City Unified School District partnered to continuously collect, analyze, and reflect on data to drive improvement using Lead by Learning collaborative inquiry model tailored to Site Coordinators leading to both student and adult learning gains.

Oakland Unified School District: Rudsdale Continuation High School

Rudsdale Continuation High School, in Oakland Unified School District, serves about 300 students yearly. Designed to support students who are at risk from not graduating from comprehensive high schools, Rudsdale Continuation High School, is dedicated to support career exploration, job training, and high school diploma completion. Since 2018, Lead by Learning has supported Rudsdale's culture of collaboration and leadership through a commitment to Public Learning to improve student success.

West Contra Costa School District: Montalvin Manor K-8

Montalvin Manor K-8 in West Contra Costa Unified School District is in Richmond, California. A Title 1 school, more than 90% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Supported by long-standing partnership with Lead by Learning, Montalvin Manor K-8 has successfully achieved two foundational objectives, both established to improve student outcomes. First, the school continues to strengthen and sustain a thriving culture of Public Learning. Second, the school focuses on building ongoing teacher leadership.

Oakland Unified School District: Expanded Learning Department

The Oakland Unified (OUSD) Expanded Learning Department works with over 100 site coordinators and agency directors to support the district’s 35,000 students. OUSD’s Expanded Learning Department leaders partnered with Lead by Learning to improve program quality and engage in authentic Continuous Quality Improvement. Now the department uses Lead by Learning’s collaboration process to set goals, innovate, understand impact, and adapt through the lens of equity.