What Happens in a Lead by Learning Design Team Meeting?

April 13, 2022 | Jennifer Ahn

For every partnership, Lead by Learning holds monthly design team meetings. In these meetings, Lead by Learning facilitates a conversation that invites educators to engage in design thinking to deepen adult learning in their system.

Celebrating Supportive Challenge

March 6, 2022 | Priscilla Parchia

At the beginning of another unprecedented year, the 2021-22 school year, for educators riddled with extreme changes and new guidance, it is a daunting task to lead capable and dedicated educators as an Expanded Learning Program Manager for...

What does being a Teacher Leader mean to you?

March 6, 2022

  On February 8, Lead by Learning Teacher Leaders from across our partner sites met over Zoom for our Spring Teacher Leader Network. Asked why being a teacher leadership matters to them, our educators shared: “Allows...

Data is not a 4 – Letter Word!

February 15, 2022

When we begin a new partnership we always like to ask about the system’s current relationship to and mindset around data. This 4 letter word – data – can bring up so many emotions in our teachers and...