Teacher Leader Network
Our Teacher Leader Network connects teacher leaders from our partner sites around the East Bay. They deepen their understanding of the Lead by Learning leadership model and develop their vision for teacher professional learning that leads to equitable outcomes for all students at their sites.
Over time, our teacher leaders assume responsibility for leading and sustaining the collaborative inquiry communities we have established at their sites, with the aim of teacher leaders becoming independent drivers of the work by Year 3 and beyond. Our Teacher Leader Network acknowledges and advances teachers’ influence and expertise.
The Teacher Leader Network includes:
- Two network meetings at Mills College or virtual
- Site-based partnership and design support with Lead by Learning facilitators to plan and lead inquiry work at their site
- Opportunities to develop and practice professional voice in round-table or panel discussions at our annual Gather or Inquiry in Action Forum
Teacher leaders also receive a yearly stipend in recognition of the time and thoughtfulness required to participate in the network.
To learn more about how Lead by Learning can support your school or district to build a strong adult learning culture, please contact us at info-leadbylearning@