FAQ: Mills Teacher Scholars Summer Institute – From Compliance to Curiosity
Read on for some helpful answers to commonly asked questions about this unique professional learning opportunity. Have additional questions? Email us at info-leadbylearning@ northeastern.edu.
I’m a teacher. Why should this course matter to me?
At every school there is time dedicated to teacher learning and collaboration that is not maximized. Rarely is enough attention given to how adults learn together and experience their time together. This institute will help you to engage your colleagues in learning with you about how to best achieve your goals for students. It will help you understand how to shape these collaborative spaces to better serve both your learning needs and those of your students.
I’m an administrator or a coach. How will this course help me?
Leaders and coaches understandably spend a great deal of time focused on student learning outcomes. They are not often supported to develop their vision or plan for improving the adult learning outcomes at their sites. However, research shows that creating the conditions for adults to learn has a powerful impact on student achievement. This institute will connect you with a network of leaders who are invested in improving the adult learning culture at their sites. You will walk away with an understanding of adult learning frameworks and how to apply them to enrich the culture of professional learning at your school or organization.
How is this workshop different from other trainings I’ve had in the past?
This workshop is itself an experience of the kind we hope you’ll be able to create with your colleagues. People tell us that our workshops are energizing, inspiring, and useful. Your learning will take you through a process that you can dive into with your colleagues back at your site, while also helping you understand the theoretical frameworks behind effective adult learning. You’ll walk away not only with knowledge of these frameworks, but also a concrete plan for improving the culture of collaboration back at your organization, whether with a single colleague, a grade-level, a department, or a whole staff.
Will this connect me to other educators with similar challenges and successes?
Yes! Building a connected community of colleagues is the foundation for our workshops. Our participants join us from a variety of schools and professional learning organizations across the Bay Area. People tell us that they value the opportunity to have their thinking pushed by educators from different contexts. Even with varied experiences, they face similar challenges at their sites and can strategize together about how to build strong cultures of adult learning. Our participants often return to working with us again and again. We consider you part of our Lead by Learning network once you’ve completed a course with us!
What else should I know?
The institute takes place on the beautiful Mills College at Northeastern University campus (or virtually) in the heart of Oakland, CA. In addition to a light breakfast and delicious lunch each day, the workshop includes opportunities to walk, think, write, and sit out of doors under the trees, enjoying the June sun.