Our 6 cross-site districts have 119 teacher scholars reaching students in early childhood through 12th grade. Teacher scholars and district leaders are learning with us through inquiry throughout the year.
In its fourth year of partnership, Newcomers Group is using inquiry to design experiences that improve Newcomer learning and confidence speaking and writing in English.
In its third year of partnership, OUSD’s Computer Science department is developing a shared, cross-grade understanding of how to support student engagement for more equitable outcomes. They are engaging in collaborative inquiry rooted in design thinking to build their collective awareness in this area.
In its sixth year of partnership, Social Emotional Learning Group is investigating the intersection between academic learning and social and emotional learning for all students.
In its first year of partnership, the Expanded Learning department is engaging district leaders, site leaders, and teacher leaders in collaborative inquiry to nurture safe and supportive learning spaces for all students across the school day.
In its sixth year of partnership, Berkeley Unified School District is focused on engaging all students, particularly students of color, to successfully learn to play an instrument and raise the percentage of students of color who pursue a musical education beyond the elementary years.
In its second year of partnership, Berkeley Early Childhood Education is using collaborative inquiry to improve the social and emotional development of all students and social and emotional learning for all teachers.