Luther Burbank Middle School is located in Highland Park, a largely Latino and immigrant community nestled close to the arid hills of northeastern Los Angeles county. Christine Moore, the longtime Principal, continually asks herself as...
It was mid-afternoon, about 15 minutes into our Instructional Leadership Team meeting at one of our partner schools. When it was the next teacher leader’s turn to be our Public Learner, about one...
This summer Oakland Unified School District’s Expanded Learning Office brought together Site Coordinators and Agency Directors for their annual Summer Institute. This year’s theme is “Tending our Roots: Cultivating Joy.” Lead by Learning supported the OUSD Expanded Learning...
At Lead by Learning, we know that collaborative inquiry builds teachers’ and leaders’ local knowledge about how best to support their students’ and colleagues’ learning. By sharing that knowledge publicly, they develop a collective understanding of where their...
What would it look like to use our monthly professional development time to support our librarian community to grow as professionals? How can we be less reactive and operational and more proactive and adaptive?...
For every partnership, Lead by Learning holds monthly design team meetings. In these meetings, Lead by Learning facilitates a conversation that invites educators to engage in design thinking to deepen adult learning in their system.
At the beginning of another unprecedented year, the 2021-22 school year, for educators riddled with extreme changes and new guidance, it is a daunting task to lead capable and dedicated educators as an Expanded Learning Program Manager for...
On February 8, Lead by Learning Teacher Leaders from across our partner sites met over Zoom for our Spring Teacher Leader Network. Asked why being a teacher leadership matters to them, our educators shared: “Allows...
When we begin a new partnership we always like to ask about the system’s current relationship to and mindset around data. This 4 letter word – data – can bring up so many emotions in our teachers and...
What an emotional rollercoaster it has been welcoming students and families back to campus this January! Every day students, educators, and families are trying to keep up with the uncertainty of the current COVID-19 surge and adapt to the...