Lincoln Elementary School
Teacher Scholars
Carla Aiello, Rachelle Bertumen, Kate Carlin, Jamie U. Chau, Kitty Chen, May Chiu, Gesine Cotteral, John Farrar, Stacy Fat, Belinda Fong, Robert Fong, Lily Gee, Honora Gilmore-Hogan, Jan Grieg-Donnelly, Brooke Guiney, Claudia Hung-Haas, Stella Kwong, Lusa Lai, Jennifer Le, John Lee, Shu Liao, Amelia Lobaco, Eileen S. Lok, Joseph Moreno, Suzanna Mori, Maria Motonaga, Deborah Nelson, Sally Stosich, Shirley Tsai, Weijie Wang, Betty Yee, Susannah Young
Ivanna Huthman
Teacher Leaders
Brooke Guiney, Susannah Young
School Focus
Lincoln Elementary School is in its first year of partnership with Mills Teacher Scholars. The teachers at Lincoln are using collaborative inquiry to learn more about how their students are acquiring academic language and to explore how they can build students’ socio-emotional skills in ways that support their language development.