Computer Science Group
Teacher Scholars
Mark Adams, Daniel Belsky, Flint Christensen, Deepali Garg, Alia Ghabra, Gerard Hargraves, Frederick Highbaugh, Thomas Holmes, Diane Johnson, Stevann Jones, William Juang, Charlotte Kishi, Daniel Leal, Tyjun Mack, James Mcgrath, Derrick McMillen, Vu Nguyen, Emmanuel Onyeador, Cynthia Paniagua (Garcia), Chantel Parnell, Roderick Patterson, Jake Puzycki, Robert Rodriguez, Terrence (Michael) Roe, Kennan Scott, Bianca Shiu, William Short, Sonia Spindt, Amy Talley, Michael Taylor, Floresa Vaughn, Jessica Wan, Curtis Whitley, Stephen Wright
Department Head
Sam Berg
Teacher Leaders
Sam Berg, Sonia Spindt
School Focus
Computer Science Group is a cross-district group of teachers in their second year of partnership with Mills Teacher Scholars. They are developing a shared understanding of what indicates student success in Computer Science within and across grade-levels, especially in the areas of problem-solving and technical writing. In addition, they are building their professional community as a department through deepening their collaboration around achieving equitable outcomes for all students.