Lead by Learning’s Anti-Racist Affinity Networks

Lead by Learning’s Anti-Racist Affinity networks provide space for all educators, BIPOC and white, to disrupt racism and white supremacy culture.

BIPOC Leaders Network

A professional network for BIPOC leaders to share their lived experiences without having to defend, manage others’ feelings, or excuse the actions of others. This space supports BIPOC leaders to heal from racial harm by using practices from a co-constructed framework to decenter whiteness in their lives. Not only does this support BIPOC leaders to thrive, but also pushes systems to prioritize BIPOC voices.

White Educators Anti-Racist Inquiry Network (WEAIN)

Space for white educators to grapple with being racialized as white and to understand and disrupt racism in educational spaces using inquiry. By providing you with thoughtful resources and space to collaborate, you can practice locating and interrupting whiteness and racism in your personal and professional contexts and support other white educators to do the same.

“The importance of telling our stories–creates shared understanding, belonging, and healing. Thank you for the decolonized structure and process.”
BIPOC Leaders Network Participant
“I think it was a wonderful, safe space to be vulnerable and work through feelings and action steps. All white educators need this education.”
WEAIN Participant

Learn more about the history of our Anti-Racist Affinity Networks on our blog!

Not a current partner, but interested in bringing a network to your district or organization? Reach out to talk to a member of our team!