The Lead by Learning Alumni Network
Once a partner of Lead by Learning, always a partner of Lead by Learning.
Calling all Lead by Learning (and Mills Teacher Scholar) Alumni!
We would like to stay in touch with any colleagues who are transitioning to new opportunities both in and out of education or whose site is no longer a current Lead by Learning partner.
Members of our Alumni Network are invited to:
- Free 1-hr Connects
- The Spring Inquiry in Action Forum
- Webinars and Workshops
What is an Alumni Connect?
An Alumni Connect is a 1-hr mini-inquiry experience to “think alone” and “think together” with another alum to support your thinking on a question or uncertainty you are holding in your current role in education. This could be about your student learners or adult learners if you are now leading inquiry or a team.
This is an opportunity to:
- Build community with fellow alumni
- Receive thought partnership on an educational dilemma or question of your choice
- Stay connected to Lead by Learning
An Alumni Connect is a safe, courageous, and structured adult learning space open to classroom teachers, teacher leaders, administrators, and district leaders to be Public Learners together. Connects occur quarterly during the school year.
In the wise words of Mills Teacher Scholars founder Professor Anna Richert, “It is a relief to name the uncertainty in teaching by framing a question about one’s work. In this way, we undo the myth of certainty that pervades our field these days. It is liberating to know what you know and what you need to know more about so you can continuously improve your practice.”