Newcomer Teacher Scholars (’16-’17)
Keith Brown, Jela Buljko, Ann Calef, Alima Catellacci, Nichole Deborde, Charles Erdmann, Kristen Font, Shao Fung, Merce Guixa-Casells, Carrie Haslanger, Juliana Houston, Eve Hyman, Marla Kamiya, Hailee Lanker, Davida Lopez, Kathleen Mitchell, Magdalena Monterrosa, Bonnie Mozer, Chantel Parnell, Johanna Taimanao, Kyle Svingen, Jade Talbot, Loraine Woodard, Laura Zamora
Group Focus
Oakland Unified’s Newcomer Teacher Scholars is a cross-district group of teachers including both newcomer-only teachers and mainstream teachers with newcomers in their classes. The group focuses on how to improve their teaching to meet the particular needs of newcomer students.
Sample Inquiry Topics
- Using images to foster academic discussion among newcomer students.
- Identifying point of view in primary source documents.
- To support newcomer students visualize what they are reading to build comprehension skills
Teacher Leaders

James Kindle

Holly Darling

Viet-Ly Nguyen