Program Highlights

A Busy Summer for MTS

Program Highlights

From presenting at the Alameda County Inventing Our Future Integrated Learning Summer Institute to running a workshop for teacher scholars to share their work via blog posts, to strategic program planning, this was a busy summer for MTS staff and teacher leaders.

  • At the Inventing Our Future Integrated Learning Summer Institute, presented by the Alameda County Office of Education at the Chabot Space and Science Center August 13 – 15, Mills Teacher Scholars presented the session: Creating  Teacher Leadership through Creating Thinking Spaces: Promoting Conversations to Understand Individual Student Learning. Teacher Scholar Leader Channon Jackson, Associate Director Claire Bove, and Executive Director Carrie Wilson led this session where thirty-eight educators from districts across the Bay Area came together to think together about the role of collaborative conversation focused on understanding can support educators to improve learning opportunities for students.
  • Eight teacher scholars participated in our second annual blog post writing workshop facilitated by Program Associate Daniela Mantilla. Teachers examined examples of education related blogs, discussed what makes an effective blog post, and wrote a blog post that highlighted an aspect of their inquiry work.
  • In late August, teacher leaders from each of our school sites came together for our first Teacher Scholars Leaders Network meeting of the year at Mills College. After a productive morning of planning and goal setting for the new school year, they are excited to move forward with their essential role in moving the work forward at their home schools.