Mills Teacher Scholars on the Road
In February Mills Teacher Scholars gave the keynote address to the Bay Area Science, Math, and Writing Saturday Seminar on examining student work. The focus of the talk to over 80 Bay Area educators was to provide teachers with an alternative (and larger) view of data and introduce the idea of re-orienting teachers’ attention from exclusively thinking about teaching strategies and planning to include collaborative analysis of meaningful data to understand student thinking.
On March 23rd, from 11:30-12:30 at Albany Middle School, Mills Teacher Scholars Program Associate Laura Alvarez will present her teacher research work at the Bay Area Science, Math, and Writing Saturday Seminar focusing on “Accessing our Complex Language.” Laura will share her use of Pauline Gibbons’ framework, the mode continuum, to support both her students’ conceptual understanding and their academic language acquisition in her seventh grade classroom at Melrose Leadership Academy in Oakland Unified.
Executive Director Carrie Wilson and Program Associate Aija Simmons gave a talk at the New Teacher Center Symposium in San Jose titled Teacher Leadership that Creates Thinking Spaces: Promoting Conversations that Support Understanding Individual Student Learning. The conference drew over 750 teachers, professors, coaches, mentors, and district office personnel.