2022 Lead by Learning Inquiry in Action Forum

“What we pay attention to grows.” – adrienne maree brown

On April 28, 2022, educators from the Bay Area and beyond joined us to learn how our partner educators are driving instructional improvement in their districts and schools. At this interactive gathering, we celebrated the learning of this school year and shared our own stories of educator impact.

Oakland educators, Michael Williams, Samia Khattab, and Rebecca Edwards connect and share with other Lead by Learning partners.

Lead by Learning Executive Director Mizgon Darby provides a warm welcome for our keynote speaker, Mills College School of Education associate professor Cliff Lee.

J.C. Farr, principal of Tamalpais High School shares his story alongside our educator panelists Michael Williams, Luz Nunez, Pete Gidlund, and Nidhi Gogri.

Our fabulous speakers featured educators, teacher leaders, site leaders, and district leaders from across our network.

Keynote Speaker:

Cliff Lee, Mills College School of Education


J.C. Farr: Tam Union High School District, Tamalpais High School, Principal

Luz Nunez: West Contra Costa Unified School District, De Anza High School, History Teacher and Department Chair

Michael Williams: Oakland Unified School District, Crocker Highlands Elementary School, Second Grade Teacher

Nidhi Gogri: Santa Clara Unified School District, Abram Agnew Elementary School, Kindergarten Teacher

Pete Gidlund: Berkeley Unified School District, VAPA Supervisor

Video timestamps:

  • Welcome begins at 0:00.
  • Keynote begins at 18:15.
  • Panel begins at 34:27.