Program Highlights

Mt. Eden Teacher Scholars Share Their Learning with School Staff

Program Highlights

On May 4th, seventy-five Mt. Eden teachers gathered in the library to learn about their colleagues’ inquiry work. Eighteen Mt. Eden teachers from eight departments are participating in the first year of Mills Teacher Scholar inquiry work.

Supported by teacher leaders Leah Talbott, Heather Eastwood, and Elizabeth Finlayson and Mills Teacher Scholars facilitator Claire Bove, Mt. Eden High School’s teacher scholars are delving into using inquiry to build interdisciplinary collaboration and to refine instructional practices to make the curriculum in all disciplines more accessible and meaningful for their English Language Learners.

A common theme across the interdisciplinary inquiry work was the question of how to support students to be more independent in their learning and to engage in a productive struggle. In the inquiry sessions, English teachers had the opportunity to listen to how art and science teachers were addressing this challenge and to consider aligned approaches.

To share their inquiry learning with the larger staff, teacher scholars created posters highlighting theirgoals for student learning, their biggest realizations, and the instructional changes they had implemented as a result of their inquiry work.




