Program Highlights

Gather with Mills Teacher Scholars on November 5th!

Program Highlights

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 5:00 PM8:00 PM

Lokey Graduate School of Business Gathering Hall, Mills College at Northeastern University

Join Mills Teacher Scholars at Mills College at Northeastern University on November 5th from 5-8pm for a gathering of current teacher scholars, Mills Teacher Scholars’ alumni and friends. Enjoy a light dinner and wine while you learn, share, and connect with colleagues from around the Bay.

Evening Highlights

5:00 – Light dinner and wine reception.
5:45 – Short talks by featured speakers.

Laura Alvarez
Supporting Students with Analysis of Complex Texts
Professor Nikole Richardson
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Teacher Learning

6:30 – Unconference style discussion groups. Discuss a burning question with colleagues, think about how to build or sustain your inquiry practice, or simply listen to some great conversations.

Click here to RSVP