Dynamic teacher leadership
Mills Teacher Scholars participants have a variety of opportunities to develop as teacher leaders. Recent examples include:
1. Teacher scholars present their learning at the Mills Teacher Scholars Inquiry in Action Event on May 21st
2. Teacher scholars building professional capacity through teacher-led data collection
3. Teacher scholars Laura Alvarez and Krishna Feeney presented at the Bay Area Science Project’s Saturday Seminar on March 23, 2013
4. Teacher scholars presenting at the Oakland Teacher Convention
5. Teacher scholar Alberto Nodal presented his inquiry on idioms in a talk “Opening Doors to Language through the Study of Idioms” on idioms at the 2013 CABE (California Association for Bilingual Education) Conference.
6. Roosevelt teacher scholar Melissa Valdivia, Alameda County Office of Education English Learner Teacher of the Year
7. The BUSD music teachers recognized